
Pristine teaches objective trading strategies for active traders and investors. Timing trades with the market’s “mood” increases our accuracy in entering, managing and exiting trades. In this Home Study Course , President and Co-founder of, will show you how to interpret – from the markets’ point of view – the amount of bullishness or bearishness of traders, their psychology at extremes (euphoria or panic), and how to find tradable opportunity in the financial markets when in alignment with price action. Among many other things it will cover:

  • Why the need for market internals in today’s markets
  • The construction, use and how to interpret Internal breadth and sentiment internal gauges
  • Learn to determine if internals are in alignment with the current move or are they for-warning of a near-term reversal or larger one that can increase your opportunities or avoid losses
  • Breadth Internals including Advance-Decline Line, McClellan Oscillator, Advancing Stock Ratio, Advancing. Volume Ratio, Trin, New Highs minus New Lows and New High Ration
  • Various Put Call Ratios to determine whether the buying of calls or puts by the novices or professionals support a countertrend move.
  • Learn who is the “Smart Money” and “Dumb Money” When they are opposite sides
  • Using the Volatility Index to determine market turning points.
  • Percent Bulls-Bears and other sentiment indicators determine when it is time to fade the crowd

Learn how to use crucial market internals to increase your awareness of the overall market environment, and to keep your emotions in check to dramatically help increase the accuracy of your trades – especially at market turning points.

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