Sacredscience - Wynn - The

Exact Facsimile Reprint of Original Edition Published:. 5 p. A veryinteresting Spiral Calculator Chart System, again quite like what Gannmade, a Spiral Chart called the and even a Master Chart.Many of these astrologers from this time were in the same small circle asGann, so it is not uncommon to find cross over between many of their workssince they shared ideas with each other. Four Circles To The EquilibriumChart; Individual Live Course Chart; Super-Conscious Chart, UniversalChart; Sub-Conscious Chart; Conscious Chart; Zenith; Life Chart or NatalChart; Birth Chart Referred to as Distorted Chart; For Predictions UseProgressions, Directions & Transits, Test them all. Time & Place; Siderialor Star Time; Sun or Solar Time; Standard Time; True Local Time; GreenwichMean Time; Calculation of Planets; Difficult Point Overcome; HoroscopeDelineation, Interpretation.Bookseller Inventory # 493

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