– Finisher’s Fastlane

This will work for you:

  • Even if you’re a chronic procrastinator with a life-long habit of starting your projects at the last minute
  • Even if you feel undisciplined and can’t “force yourself” to do things
  • Even if you’ve already tried a million different things, like rewarding and punishing yourself, getting an accountability partner, or scheduling times when you “don’t procrastinate.”
  • Even if you have a habit of fiddling around with app settings, color coding your calendar, and organizing all the files on your desktop rather than buckling down and doing your work

No more late nights making up for wasted time. This course is not available for sale anywhere else, so get it now while you can — free. 

You’ll learn:

  • How to sit down and start working in 5 minutes, no matter how unmotivated you feel
  • How to conquer the overwhelm preventing you from starting a project, even if you have to read 10+ emails and read 5 different files just to get started
  • How to determine what you can start on when you’re waiting on input or deliverables from another person

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