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"any trading platform"
Showing 151-197 of 197 items.

NinjaTrader – ViperScalper & ViperTrend Indicators

What is NinjaTrader? NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can...

ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016

ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016 Videos NY 1 – Raj Malhotra: Pricing Options Like a Market Maker Video length: 43 Minutes As an Options Trader, Raj Malhotra has had one of the most successful...

Investopedia Academy – Become A Day Trader

Investopedia Academy – Become A Day Trader Check out for Trading Courses Bundle here. Comprehensive day trader training from an experienced Wall Street trader. Learn to trade in any market, online and at your own pace....

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master From the mind of the greatest Forex trader of our time comes the fastest and easiest way to make money in the Forex market likely ever conceived… Full time traders,...

Raj Malhotra – Pricing Options Like A Market Maker

NY 1 - Raj Malhotra - Pricing Options Like a Market Maker Part of ITPM – New York Super Conference 2016 Videos Video length: 43 Minutes As an Options Trader, Raj Malhotra has had one of...

AbleSys – AbleTrend 7.08 RT

AbleSys Trading System - AbleTrend 7.08 RT Trading is a zero-sum game. That means that every gain by one trader is offset by an equal loss by other traders. One man's pain is another man's gain....

David Vallieres – Daily Market Review 2009-2012 (Video 16 GB)

David Vallieres - Daily Market Review 2009-2012 (Video 16 GB)Daily Market Advantage is a daily market newsletter put out by Dave Vallieres of Dave has been in the markets for over 40 years. He has...

The Forex – The Forex Fast Track Course

The Forex Fast Track CourseOverview Fast- track to learn profitable Forex trading strategy from our level 1 course, you can trade Forex in a profitably way in a 4 hours learning session. Learn to trade Forex via real time market...

Peter Rosenstreich – Forex Revolution

"For many investors, an intense, 24-hour-a-day, $1.5 trillion roller-coaster of a market spells "danger"; for readers of Forex Revolution, the word is "opportunity."—Michael J. Panzner, vice president, Rabo Securities USA, Inc., and author of The New Laws of... – MotiveWave Ultimate v4.2.8 (Oct 2015)

MotiveWave – MotiveWave Ultimate v4.2.8 (Oct 2015) The MotiveWave Ultimate Edition is a comprehensive advanced charting and trading platform. It has ALL of our features and functionality so there are NO Modules to add on. It...

SMB – Market Profile Course

SMB – Market Profile Course During this course, you will … Establish the solid foundation that every serious trader must have Get started on the right path by learning how markets truly operate Learn specifics of futures markets Gain...

Zain Agha – Z-Swinger System

Z-Swinger System ZEZ, Z swinger,and scalping are all different trading methods in Dr Agha's arsenal.I personally have used some of his techniques and consider them valid.I personally like the gbpjpy 4hr 100 pips daily method.I have...

Forextester – Simple Forex Tester 2.0

Forextester – Simple Forex Tester 2.0 The Simple Forex Tester is a software suite that hooks DIRECTLY into the most powerful Forex trading platform on the planet – MetaTrader 4. It utilizes the power of your...

Anna Coulling – A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis: Read the book then read the market

Anna Coulling – A Complete Guide To Volume Price Analysis: Read the book then read the market It was good enough for them What do Charles Dow, Jesse Livermore, and Richard Ney have in common? They...

Fxsanalytics – FXS Analytics Training

Fxsanalytics - FXS Analytics TrainingWHAT’S INSIDE FXS Analytics TrainingFull video lecture series covering many facets of price action, volume, fundamental trading and beyond Hundreds of accompanying slides, organized by topic Reference bookletsDeep content with an array of...

BetterTraderacAdemy – Building Robust Strategies Master Class

BetterTraderacAdemy – Building Robust Strategies Master Class Access Robert Pardo's strategy creation knowledge Start building robust trading strategies right away Implement Bobs proven framework in just hours Build good quality trading strategies Crush your biggest trading challenges...

Bettertraderacademy – Dynamic Position Sizing For Advanced Traders

Bettertraderacademy - Dynamic Position Sizing for Advanced Traders When you request access to the "Dynamic Position Sizing" course, here's what you'll get: A 100% online trading program, 6 modules, 16 video lessons (including bonuses), taking you...

MTPredictor – MTP RT Build 367 For NinjaTrader 7 (With Trade Module, Jan 2014)

MTPredictor - MTP RT Build 367 for NinjaTrader 7 (With Trade module) (Jan 2014) Features Dragging and resizing WPT and DP Zones DP zones across multiple time frames Dragging R/R Lines New Account settings New Currency...

Liz Herrera – Crypto Profits U

Liz Herrera – Crypto Profits U Stop Listening to The News and Throw Away Your Day Trading Books… “This Girl is the REAL DEAL!” World Famous Poker Star Accidentally Discovers the Secret to Massively Successful Crypto...

Markettraders – MTI Forex Education Lessons

Markettraders - MTI Forex Education LessonsInclude 15 forex Online Educational LessonsLesson 1 - What is the Forex?…Check out MTI’s Exclusive Forex ProductsWith the help of our Forex education and classes, you will acquire the knowledge, experience...

Technical Prosperity – Red Package

Technical Prosperity – Red Package Technical Prosperity is home of the most effective educational platform for learning how to trade in the Forex Market, also known as the currency market Simplified Strategy Stop complicating your strategy!...

NetPicks – Universal Market Trader Course

NetPicks - Universal Market Trader CourseCD #1: Setup & Getting StartedThese videos will get you started quickly. You’ll learn how to set-up your workspace, how to apply your indicators and how to be ready to start...

Londonforexrush – The London Forex Rush System

The London Forex Rush System London Forex Rush System Dear trader, Intra-day trading the Forex market is a tough business. The majority of intra-day traders lose money, and the reason for that is because of poor...

TradeStation – Introduction to TradeStation Coding

Introduction to TradeStation Coding Attention TradeStation Users: Learn How To Program, Backtest, and Automate Your Best Trading Ideas…in One Day! How would you like to have the ability to program, backtest and automate your best trading...

Charles LeBeau – Exit Strategies for Stock and Futures Slides (

Charles LeBeau - Exit Strategies for Stock and Futures (Slides) ( Each speaker at the TradeStationWorld Conference acts independently, and no speaking topic, session, seminar or content is affiliated with, or approved, sponsored or endorsed by,...

PrimeLine – Prime9Pro Indicators

What is NinjaTrader?NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get...

MotiveWave – Ultimate v4.2.27 (Windows & Mac OS X) (Aug 2016)

The MotiveWave Ultimate Edition is a comprehensive advanced charting and trading platform. It has ALL of our features and functionality so there are NO Modules to add on. It has: Everything in the Professional Edition, plus...

Chris Nash – Financial Fixed Odds Profits Course (

“If you can spare 30 minutes in the evening (or morning) I’ll show you how to grab tax-free Forex profits of ?58, ?91, ?166, ?288 or more on demand following a simple, proven Financial Fixed Odds...

NinjaTrader – Constance Brown Composite Index Code

NinjaTrader – Constance Brown Composite Index Code What is NinjaTrader? NinjaTrader is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader to our clients for many reasons but...

PaintBarFactory – Indicators Package (Oct 2012)

All charting platforms come with a lot of indicators, much less Paint Bar studies. And most of them function as “Show Me”, such as “Day of Week”, “Expiration”, “First Bar of Week”, etc. In my humble opinion, Paint...

Brett J. Fogle – Strategy Spotlight Series (Video & Manuals)

Our NEW ‘Strategy Spotlight’ Live Video Classes Feature a New Option Strategy Every Month, Covered in Amazing Detail, and Show You How To Bank Big Profits in the Markets Using Options!If You’ve Ever Wanted To Take Your...

ScalperSoftware – ScalperSoftware (Feb-Mar 2011)

Day trading is within the reach of more traders since the creation of the E-mini, S&P, Key Indices, DAX, London FTSE Market and Russell 2000. In the past, even serious traders who were exposed to big...

VivoDeLaBolsa – Indicator Stopper & Abeja

All our indicators are very easy to use, comprehension and assimilation. In addition, we offer a wide range of possibilities ranging from manuals, workbooks, DVD courses, seminars, training videos or even private.With our indicators, trading acquires a...

Micro Trends – MicroTrends Scalper

Micro Trends – MicroTrends Scalper MicroTrends is a leading NinjaTrader partner & NinjaScript Certified Consultant Specialists for NinjaTrader Indicators, Strategies & quantative development services Providing Forex, Futures & Equities traders with professional trading tools & trade...

ProEquityTrader – Target Trader Indicator Pack

What is NinjaTrader?NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get...

ScalperSoftware – Scalper Pivot Point

NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get started with...

Traderscoach – ART Charting Software

ART Charting Software (2006-11-08)Welcome and thank you for your interest in Applied Reality Trading®. The ART® Trading Software is a sophisticated and fun trading and investment tool designed to enhance, educate, and deliver results. The Applied...

Superadx – TrendWave Indicator

Superadx – TrendWave Indicator In currency trading world, nowadays, more and more traders are turning to Forex auto trading robots for making money. There are many advantages of using these automated softwares compared to manual trading....

Financial Algorithms – Market Balance Indicators Pack

Final MarketBalance is a unique way to view prices, bid, ask and volume together on the same chart while showing the relation between market powers as they change during the trading session. What is NinjaTrader? NinjaTrader ...

MFB – Print Plus Indicator

What is NinjaTrader?NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get...

Rick Bensignor – New Thinking In Technical Analysis (Russian)

Rick Bensignor – New Thinking In Technical Analysis (Russian) Sometimes even the most thorough homework on fundamentals fails to pinpoint the best time to buy a stock or take profits. Technical analysis helps market players predict...

4xpipfactory – 4x PIPFactory Indicators Pack

What is NinjaTrader?NinjaTrader® is the preferred active trader platform for traders worldwide including our clients. We are pleased to offer NinjaTrader® to our clients for many reasons but one great reason is that you can get...

Howard B.Bandy – Introduction To Amibroker

Book review “Introduction to AmiBroker” by Dr Howard B. Bandy I have been reading Howard Bandy’s new book “Introduction to AmiBroker” and it is excellent. The book is strongly focussed on the “AmiBroker beginner” but will...

Vladimir Ribakov – SRS TrendRider

Vladimir Ribakov – SRS TrendRider What It Says On The Website The headline for this system is +100 Pips per trade and that the SRS Trend Rider system “with it’s Built-In Artificial Intelligence Can Turn Even...

Bill Poulos – Forex Time Machine

Bill Poulos has been trading the markets since 1974. He’s a retired automotive executive who holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration, with a major in Finance. In his...

ART Software – ART Market Scanner (Nov 2012)

ART Scanner Lifetime License for the compatible charting platform. Includes free software updates Key Highlights – ART Software Signal Scans-Pyramids & Reversals! – Identifies “Bracketed & Channeling” Markets! – High Probability Trend Trade Scans! – Utilizes...

Todd Mitchell – Learning How To Successfully Trade The E-mini & S&P 500 Markets

Todd Mitchell – Learning How To Successfully Trade The E-mini & S&P 500 Markets E-Mini S&P, often abbreviated to “E-mini” (despite the existence of many other E-mini contracts) and designated by the commodity ticker symbol ES,...


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