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"The Math"
Showing 101-150 of 362 items.

Greg Shrader – Encrypted Key To The Markets

Greg Shrader – Encrypted Key To The Markets Course Description: The Fibonacci course presents fundamental insights into the process of using Fibonacci numbers to crack the mathematical codes behind the markets. Leading Indicators: Problem: Most trading...

Murrey Math – Trading System Book

Murrey Math - Murrey Math Trading System Book Henning Murrey from Nashville Tennessee was born in 1942. In 1993 Murrey worked on theories of random thinking, importantly by NOT studying the market. From this he wrote...

Murrey Math – Murrey Math Or W.D.Gann (Trading System Book)

Murrey Math - Murrey Math Trading System BookHenning Murrey from Nashville Tennessee was born in 1942. In 1993 Murrey worked on theories of random thinking, importantly by NOT studying the market. From this he wrote his...

FRM – The Professional Risk Managers' Handbook By PRIMA

FRM - The Professional Risk Managers' Handbook by PRIMAThe Global Association of Risk Professionals and the Professional Risk Managers' International Association—a group created by former GARP volunteer officials—are two trade associations to offer certification exams.The tests,...

Brian James Sklenka – Brian James Sklenka – 6 (The Proper BackGround) (Book & Seminar)

Brian James Sklenka – Brian James Sklenka – 6 (The Proper BackGround) (Book & Seminar) This is as far as the analyst needs to go in PERSONAL ASTROLOGY. Much of personal astrology is an art form...

Juan Romero – The Art Of Artificial Evolution

Juan Romero - The Art of Artificial EvolutionThis comprehensive book gives an up-to-date survey of the relevant bioinspired computing research fields - such as evolutionary computation, artificial life, swarm intelligence and ant colony algorithms - and...

Robert Jarrow – Derivate Securities (The Complete Investors Guide)

Robert Jarrow - Derivate Securities (The Complete Investors Guide)Skilled investors know that to play in today's high-risk global-investment environment, they must maximize return while hedging risk. To do this successfully, investors must understand the intricacies and...

Peter James – Option Theory

Peter James – Option TheoryA unified development of the subject, presenting the theory of options in each of the different forms and stressing the equivalence between each of the methodologies. * Demystifies some of the more...

Cynthia Kase – Trading with the Odds

Publisher: McGraw Hill; 1 edition (March 1, 1996) Language: English ISBN-10: 155738911X ISBN-13: 978-1557389114Every trader will appreciate this reliable, realistic, and systematic approach to trading financial and commodity markets. In a step-by-step manner, the author applies...

Joel Greenblatt – The Little Book That Beats the Market (2010 Ed.)

Joel Greenblatt – The Little Book That Beats the Market In 2005, Joel Greenblatt published a book that is already considered one of the classics of finance literature. In The Little Book that Beats the Market a New York...

James A. Hyerczyk – Pattern, Price and Time. Using Gann Theory in Trading Systems

The first book to bring a highly controversial charting method down to earth for today′s futures traders.W. D. Gann continues to be one of the most controversial figures in technical analysis. Considered eccentric, abstruse, and even...

Peter Navarro – When The Market Moves Will You Be Ready

Peter Navarro – When The Market Moves Will You Be Ready This is the first hands-on guidebook for macrowave investing – today’s most potent, strategically advanced event-trading technique. Macro’ events play a large part in determining...

Stephen J. Puetz – The Unified Cycle Theory

Stephen J. Puetz – The Unified Cycle Theory Documented cycles range widely in diversity. They include fluctuations in the stock market, commodity prices, economic activity, wars, civilizations, global climate, ice-ages, geological formations, and abundance of life...

Frank Fabozzi – The Global Money Markets

An informative look at the world of short-term investing and borrowingThe Global Money Markets is the authoritative source on short-term investing and borrowing-from instruments in the U.S. and U.K., to asset-liability management. It also clearly demonstrates the...

Moorad Choudhry – The Bond & Money Markets

Moorad Choudhry – The Bond & Money Markets This book is virtually a stand alone reference book on interest rate swaps, the money markets, financial market mathematics, interest-rate futures and technical analysisIncludes some introductory coverage of...

Jack Schwager – The New Market Wizards Conversations with America’s Top Traders

Jack Schwager – The New Market Wizards Conversations with America’s Top Traders Taps into the minds of today’s trading superstars to reveal the secrets of their astonishing success In these absorbing interviews with star performers in...

Marion D. March & Joan McEvers – The Only Way To Learn Astrology (Volume I, II & III)

Marion D. March & Joan McEvers – The Only Way To Learn Astrology (Volume I, II & III) Volume 1: Basic Principles There are many introductory astrology books on the market, but only this one follows...

Greg Shrader – Encrypted Key to the Markets (

Greg Shrader – Encrypted Key to the Markets ( Course Description: The Fibonacci course presents fundamental insights into the process of using Fibonacci numbers to crack the mathematical codes behind the markets. Leading Indicators: Problem: Most...

John C. Hull – Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities

John C. Hull – Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities For undergraduate and graduate courses in Options and Futures, Financial Engineering, and Risk Management, typically found in business, finance, economics and mathematics departments. This fifth edition...

Noel Amenc – Portfolio Theory and Performance Analysis

For many years asset management was considered to be a marginal activity, but today, it is central to the development of financial industry throughout the world. Asset management’s transition from an “art and craft” to an...

Patrick Mulcahy – The Hexagonal Geometry of the Tree of Life

Patrick Mulcahy – The Hexagonal Geometry of the Tree of Life Size: 2.5 MB The Hexagonal GeometryOf the Tree of Life By Patrick Mulcahy This short treatise explores (using polyhex mathematics) the special relationship that exists...

Robert Kast – Economics and Finance of Risk and of the Future

This book uses real-world examples to show how individual and collective risks can be blended and treated in a reliable decision-making framework that draws its inspiration from decision theory and market based mechanisms. It then goes...

Robert Prechter & R. N. Elliott – The Major Works of R. N. Elliott

Robert Prechter & R. N. Elliott – The Major Works of R. N. Elliott Ralph Nelson Elliott (1871-1948) was of that rarest of breeds, a true scholar in the practical world of finance. His fascinating theory...

Lotfi Zadeh – Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Information Granulation Theory

Hardcover:360 pagesPublisher:Beijing Normal University Press (May 20, 2000)ISBN-10:7303053247ISBN-13:978-7303053247This is the third volume of Collected Papers by Lotfi A.Zadeh.About the AuthorDa Ruan is currently a scientific staff member at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre. He got Ph.D....

Kevin Haggerty – Trading With The Generals 2003-2004

Kevin Haggerty Trading With The Generals CD Kevin Haggerty’s Trading With The Generals, presented on high-resolution 4 CD-ROMs and 777-page Trading Strategy Manualwith over 350 clear and detailed charts, tables, techniques, strategies and technology to make high-probability...

Sepharial – The Basis of Scripture Prophecy

Sepharial – The Basis of Scripture Prophecy WHEN it is said that “wise men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit”, we are, I think, rightly disposed to believe that in such...

Robert Prechter – Introduction to the Elliot Wave Principle Seminar

Robert Prechter – Introduction to the Elliot Wave Principle Seminar A Great Classic for Three Decades: Now In Its 10th Edition, Consider What This “Definitive Text” Offers You Take a moment to look over your books...

Michael J.Gutmann – The Very Latest E-Mini Trading

Michael J.Gutmann – The Very Latest E-Mini Trading A new and updated edition is now available. Please see “The Very Latest E-Mini Trading, 2nd Edition” at An E-mini Futures Trading System incorporating the latest tools...

Robert Fischer – The New Fibonacci Trader

Robert Fischer – The New Fibonacci Trader A fresh look at classic principles and applications of Fibonacci numbers and the Elliott Wave trading system. Demonstrates how to calculate and predict key turning points in commodity markets,...

Frank J.Fabozzi – The Handbook Of Fixed Income Securities (7th Ed.)

Frank J.Fabozzi – The Handbook Of Fixed Income Securities (7th Ed.) The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities occupies the top spot as the most authoritative, widely read reference in the global fixed income marketplace. First published in...

Sepharial Arcana – The Arcana Or Stock And Share Key

Sepharial Arcana – The Arcana Or Stock And Share Key Sepharial was a very influential author in the fields of the occult, astrology and numerology, and his writings had a considerable impact on E. H. Bailey...

S.L.MacGregor – The Kabbalah Unveiled

The Kabbalah unveiled: Containing the following books of the Zohar: The book of concealed mystery, The greater Holy assembly and The lesser Holy assembly.This is a translation of 3 books of the Zohar with commentary on...

ART Trading – Bennett McDowell – The ART Of Trading

ART Trading – Bennett McDowell – The ART Of Trading An expert in the field of finance reveals his proven trading system As a trading coach and financial advisor, Bennett McDowell has used his own proprietary...

Alex Social / RSD Alex – Day Game Phone Game

Alex Social / RSD Alex – Day Game Phone Game Day Game Phone Game By Alex Social! Get The Confidence To Socialise, Anywhere, Anytime, Anyplace with ANYONE! Without coming across awkward or having to use social...

Ben Adkins – Website Agency Secrets

Ben Adkins – Website Agency SecretsWebsite Agency SecretsDiscover the Powerful Secrets behind Building, Growing, and Scaling a 6-Figure Per Year Website Hosting Business (and how to do it all from home).What You're Getting Inside:Part 1: The...

Ben Adkins – Advertorial Master Class Advanced Platinum

Ben Adkins – Advertorial Master Class Advanced PlatinumIf You're One of the Next 100 To Sign Up, You Also Get Access to the Live "Local Advertorial Master Class" Call.THIS PAGE WILL CLOSE WHEN ALL 100 SEATS...

Donald Spann – Call Center Cash

Donald Spann – Call Center CashThis is the secret playbook I’ve been using to build, launch and scale a remote virtual receptionist business to 7-figures profitably…while living life on my own termsModule 1: Step 1Defining Your Call CenterDefine your call center and...

Fervent #LearnWithDistinction – Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing NLP

Fervent #LearnWithDistinction – Investment Analysis with Natural Language Processing NLP Say hello to Sentiment Based Investment Analysis done right. Leverage the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to exploit Sentiment for Financial Analysis / Investment...

Automated Market Makers: A Practical Guide to Decentralized Exchanges and Cryptocurrency Trading (2023)

Automated Market Makers: A Practical Guide to Decentralized Exchanges and Cryptocurrency Trading (2023) By Miguel Ottina & Peter Johannes Steffensen & Jesper Kristensen / Apress Explore Automated Market Makers (AMMs), the underlying protocols used by decentralized...

Crypto Picasso – Elliot Wave & Market Psychology

Crypto Picasso – Elliot Wave & Market Psychology At Bits to Freedom, it has always been our philosophy to “teach a man to fish”, rather than simply handing out fish. (As much as we love fishing!)...

Larry Jacob – Patterns and Ellipses

Larry Jacob – Patterns and Ellipses This book concerns itself with a highly technical subject, the subject of technical analysis of the financial market. This book specifically deals with ellipses and pattern formations used for trading...

Tomaz R. Bielecki – Credit Risk

Tomaz R. Bielecki - Credit Risk The motivation for the mathematical modeling studied in this text on developments in credit risk research is the bridging of the gap between the mathematical theory of credit risk and...

Peter Dunn & Rankin – Scaling Methods 2nd Ed

Peter Dunn-Rankin - Scaling Methods (2nd Ed.) Scaling Methods is written for professionals in the behavioral sciences who analyze data that results from subjective responses. Other books on scaling attitudes or measuring perceptions focus on the psychometrician's...

Madaz Money – Intro To Short Selling

Madaz Money – Intro To Short Selling Course Coverage/Topics Learn the basics of short selling (brokers, trading setups, borrowing shares, order entry, etc.) Learn about my A+ setups: the “Kris Verma Special” and Gap Up Short...

Abhijit S. Pandya – Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++

Abhijit S. Pandya – Pattern Recognition with Neural Networks in C++The addition of artificial neural network computing to traditional pattern recognition has given rise to a new, different, and more powerful methodology that is presented in...

Dane Maxwell – Start and Scale

Dane Maxwell – Start and Scale Start & Scale Your Business To 1 Sale A Day… Starting From Scratch… And Then Outsource The Product Creation And Get A Full Comprehensive Course To Do It All Yourself...

Ralph Vince – Leverage Space

Ralph Vince – Leverage SpaceProduct DescriptionThe Leverage Space Trading Model: Reconciling Portfolio options and Economic Theory DescriptionPraise for The Leverage Space Trading Model“As Warren Buffett said, ‘It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn...

Michael C.Thomsett – Put Option Strategies For Smarter Trading

Michael C Thomsett - Put Option Strategies for Smarter TradingUse Puts to Mitigate Risk, Reverse and Offset Losses, and Protect Profits–Even in Plummeting Markets!“In these financial times, this is an especially timely book. Michael C. Thomsett...

Lee Kenny – 10 Steps to $100k

NOW YOU CAN WATCH THE ENTIRE TEN STEPS TO $100K PROGRAM NETFLIX STYLE!WHAT IS IT?Have you ever heard the phrase “It takes money to make money”?Well, let me tell you why this is categorically 100% wrong...

Philip J.McDonnell – Optimal Portfolio Modeling

Optimal Portfolio Modeling is an easily accessible introduction to portfolio modeling for those who prefer an intuitive approach to this discipline. While early chapters provide engaging insights on the statistical properties of markets, this book quickly moves...


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