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"Option Strategy"
Showing 301-346 of 346 items.

Robert B.Hanna – The Hanna ETF Money Flow System

ETF Money Flow Trading System by tradingmarkets Here are the main features of Rob’s system that you’ll be able to immediately apply to your trading: Potentially make money in both up and down markets with less...

Netpicks – The Ultimate Trading Machine Complete Set Of Courses, TS Indicators & Daily Updates

Netpicks - The Ultimate Trading Machine Complete Set of Courses, TS Indicators & Daily Updates "If You're Serious About Actually Making REAL Money Trading, The Ultimate Trading Machine Is The Best Way I've Seen To Get...

Simplertrading – Profit Recycling Pro

Simplertrading - Profit Recycling Pro Profit Recycling Create Weekly Cash Flow from 'Recycled Risk' (Indicator Not Included) The Profit Recycling Class is intended to help you learn about the importance of Risk. This class walks through...

The Breakout Strategies Masterclass (Video Courses Only)

The Breakout Strategies Masterclass (Video Courses Only) The 'Breakout Strategies Masterclass' will teach you the proven 8-step process to build profitable breakout strategies, including: The Breakout Strategies Masterclass Module #1: PREPARE - Everything you need to...

Markets Mastered – How to Spot a Trade Before it Happens

About Markets Mastered Trading EducationMy name is Nick Kruger and since learning to trade profitably in the 1990’s, my main aim in life and daily focus now is to teach as many people as possible to...

Alan Ellman – Cashing In On Covered Calls (Covered Call DVD Series)

Alan Ellman - Cashing in on Covered Calls (Covered Call DVD Series)DVD Series: Covered Call WritingCovered Call Writing Package – 4 DVD Series + Companion WorkbookThree Live seminar presentations of ALL Basic and Advanced Strategies PLUS...

Dan Sheridan – $10k Portfolio In 2017

Dan Sheridan - $10k Portfolio In 2017 10K PORTFOLIO Class DetailsClass DetailsIn this class, Dan Sheridan shares with you how he constructs, trades, and manages a portfolio of Weekly Trades. First Class with Dan 10K PORTFOLIO 0- Class...

Tradingmarket – Advanced TradeStation Coding

Tradingmarket – Advanced TradeStation Coding"To be the best, you must learn from the best"Are You a Trader Who is Looking to Learn Advanced TradeStation Programming Skills From One of the Top Experts in the World?Dear TradeStation...

Beau Diamond – Ez-Forex Trading System 4.2

Beau Diamond - Ez-Forex Trading System 4.2Are you looking for a FOREX trading system that allows you to make money whether the money moves up or down ?Years ago, as an equities and options trader, I would...

Jens C. – Trading Pro System (

Jens C. - Trading Pro System ( I will tell you right now... my trading system is NOT gambling!Bottom line:I treat trading as a real business. In fact, I don't even consider myself to be an...

Perry H.Beaumont – Financial Engineering Principles

Perry H.Beaumont - Financial Engineering PrinciplesStock, bonds, cash...the investment mind is often programmed. The reality is that most investors think in terms of single asset classes, and allocate money to them accordingly. The unique contribution of...

Chris D'Ambra – Pro Online Trader (Trade Like A Pro)

Chris D'Ambra - Pro Online Trader. Trade Like a Pro (Video 1.30 GB)Product DescriptionFrom the main menu, you'll have 12 options to choose from. First you'll learn how to short stocks. Then in the following sections,...

Tradingmarkets – Introduction To AmiBroker Programming

Tradingmarkets - Introduction to AmiBroker Programming Learn How To Backtest Your Best Trading Ideas In One Day - Guaranteed! How would you like to have the ability to backtest your best trading ideas? And learn how...

Tradingmarket – 2014 Advanced Swing Trading Summit (Learn How To Successfully Swing Trade In Just One Day)

Learn How To Successfully Swing Trade In Just One Day "I would rank the course a 10 on a 1-10 scale. I give the course this rating because of the course's quantitative approach to investing in...

Djellala – Djellala Swing Trading Strategies

Djellala – Djellala Swing Trading Strategies Djellala Swing trading strategies are based on price That means we don't use external information except the stock screener and the chart. Everything else has no place in what we...

Activedaytrader – Bond Trading Bootcamp

Activedaytrader - Bond Trading Bootcamp If Unique is What You Seek. It’s Time to Play Choose Your Own Adventure… For OPTIONS Traders If you’re a trader looking for a low-risk, high return Options strategy, then this 3...

Wallstreetprep – Crash Course in Bonds and Debt

Wall Street Prep – Crash Course in Bonds A step-by-step course designed for those pursuing a career in fixed income research, investments, sales, and trading or investment banking (debt capital markets). This course will teach you...

Smbcapital – The Tea Iron Condor System

Smbcapital - The Tea Iron Condor System The 100% systematic way for option traders to manage iron condor spreads to proactively reduce risk and increase reliability. In "The TEA Iron Condor", Andrew Falde shows you How...

Douglas R.Sease – Winning With The Market

Douglas R.Sease - Winning With The MarketA lifetime plan for building and maintaining low cost, powerful portfolios, whatever your means and financial goals Winning with the Market simplifies the investment process, freeing investors from the tyranny...

Mark Minervini – Momentum Masters (A Roundtable Interview with Super Traders) Minervini, Ryan, Zanger & Ritchie II, 2015

Mark Minervini - Momentum Masters A Roundtable Interview with Super Traders - Minervini, Ryan, Zanger & Ritchie II, 2015 Mark Minervini is one of America's most successful stock traders; a veteran of Wall Street for more...

Charles Cottle – Charles Cottle Package

Charles Cottle Package Include Charles Cottle - Diamonetrics for the Novice & Professional (Video & Manual, Excel, 700 MB) ( 700 MB Charles Cottle - Options Trading Training. Strategy Intensives Complete Series (Video 1.5 GB) (

Wayne Gorman – Range Bound Strategies (Course 2)

Wayne Gorman – Course 2. Range Bound Strategies EWI’s On-Demand Options Trading Course … How to Use the Elliott Wave Principle to Improve Your Options Trading Strategies Course 2: Range Bound Strategies This exciting course is...

Darrin Donnelly – Secrets of the Darvas Trading System

Darrin Donnelly – Secrets of the Darvas Trading System “Discover The Breakthrough Trading System Nicolas Darvas Used To Turn $30,000 Into $2.25 Million In Just 18 Months!” *** NOW Completely Updated and Expanded For Today’s Market...

Jay Kaeppel – Seasonal Stock Market Trends

Jay Kaeppel – Seasonal Stock Market Trends Independent trader and author Jay Kaeppel is a trading strategist with Optionetics, Inc., and writes a weekly column titled “Kaeppel’s Corner” for, conducts online seminars, and contributes material...

George Angell – Sniper Trading Workbook (

George Angell ISBN: 978-0-471-39423-5 105 pages December 2001Important lessons and key investment strategies for trading stocks, options, and futures Sniper Trading helps readers fine-tune their trading to the point where they know exactly where the market...

Kevin B. Connolly – Buying and Selling Volatility

Kevin B.Connolly – Buying and Selling VolatilityThe concept of profiting from trading volatility is not new, but is known to only a few players in the derivatives industry. Buying and Selling Volatility is the first book...

PHGenetic – PHGenetic Optimizer for NinjaTrader 1.09

Instruction:PHGenetic Optimizer for NinjaTrader v1.09Installation Instructions:– back up the file “”My Documents\NinjaTrader 6.5\bin\Custom\Strategy\@Strategy.cs” first (call it @Strategy.cs.bak)– copy the enclosed.cs files to your “My Documents\NinjaTrader 6.5\bin\Custom\Strategy” directory.– edit an indicator or strategy and build it:– in...

Kathy Lien – Day Trading the Currency Market Technical and Fundamental Strategies To Profit from Market Swings

Written by Kathy Lien—chief strategist for the number one online currency broker in the world—Day Trading the Currency Market reveals a variety of technical and fundamental profit-making strategies for trading the currency market, and provides a detailed...

Ross Jardine – Build Wealth in Any Market

Savvy investors know that come bull, bear, or choppy market conditions, significant money can be made by applying the right methods, during the right market conditions. But how do you know what techniques to apply? And,...

John Wang & Grace Wang – AbleTrend - Identifying and Analyzing Market Trends for Trading Success

John Wang & Grace Wang – AbleTrend - Identifying and Analyzing Market Trends for Trading Success A worldwide leader in financial trading software shares one of its most successful systems In AbleTrend, Dr. John Wang discloses for...

Netpicks – The Insider’s Guide to Achieving the Trader’s Edge

Investing Pro’s give you the hard truth on your trading. We have asked our customerbase to participate. Some of them are long time associates of ours due to the fact thatwe started our business in 1996....

Gary Eldred – The Beginner’s Guide to Real Estate Investing

Start making money today —with the ultimate guide for first-time investors No matter what the market does, real estate stilloffers plenty of moneymaking opportunities. In thisnew edition of The Beginner’s Guide to RealEstate Investing, Gary W....

Manesh Patel – Trading with Ichimocu Clouds

Manesh Patel – Trading with Ichimocu Clouds The essential guide to today’s hottest technical indicator-the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo cloud chart Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is a technical system that illustrates support and resistance values in a simplified...

David L. Caplan – Trade Like a Bookie

Synopsis: Have you ever wanted to trade so that the odds were in your favor? David Caplan has combined his forty years of trade research, probability research, and poker playing experience together and come up with...

Thomas Schneeweis – The New Science of Asset Allocation

A feasible asset allocation framework for the post 2008 financial world Asset allocation has long been a cornerstone of prudent investment management; however, traditional allocation plans failed investors miserably in 2008. Asset allocation still remains an...

Moorad Choudhry – The Bond & Money Markets

Moorad Choudhry – The Bond & Money Markets This book is virtually a stand alone reference book on interest rate swaps, the money markets, financial market mathematics, interest-rate futures and technical analysisIncludes some introductory coverage of...

Rick Bensignor – New Thinking In Technical Analysis (Russian)

Rick Bensignor – New Thinking In Technical Analysis (Russian) Sometimes even the most thorough homework on fundamentals fails to pinpoint the best time to buy a stock or take profits. Technical analysis helps market players predict...

Kevin Haggerty – Trading With The Generals 2003-2004

Kevin Haggerty Trading With The Generals CD Kevin Haggerty’s Trading With The Generals, presented on high-resolution 4 CD-ROMs and 777-page Trading Strategy Manualwith over 350 clear and detailed charts, tables, techniques, strategies and technology to make high-probability...

Donald Coxe – The New Reality Of Wall Street

“Don Coxe has provided an excellent survival guide for understanding the financial markets of the 21st century.”–David Hale, global economist, Hale Advisors LLCThe New Reality of Wall Street explains what went wrong in the 2000-2002 markets, and...

Tom Gentile – Boosting Returns New Twists to Time-tested Trading Techniques

Discover powerful twists to proven trading techniques that will help boost trading profits – in good or bearish markets. Tom Gentile’s comprehensive workshop, with online support manual, features an array of time-tested trading concepts and shows...

John Templeton – Price Action Trade Course

John Templeton – Price Action Trade Course What Does Price Action Tell Me? Well, in short……..everything (at least from the technical analysis side). You know how people read a book? Or how you are reading this right...

George Klienman – Top-Ten Rules for Successful Trading

George Klienman – Top-Ten Rules for Successful Trading Access the powerful and proven Golden Rules for trading commodities and options of a 25-year veteran. Trends in Futures editor George Kleinman has been trading for decades. Now,...

Michael J.Gutmann – The Very Latest E-Mini Trading

Michael J.Gutmann – The Very Latest E-Mini Trading A new and updated edition is now available. Please see “The Very Latest E-Mini Trading, 2nd Edition” at An E-mini Futures Trading System incorporating the latest tools...

Darlene Nelson – The Q’s (2nd Ed.)

Poolside Trading the QQQQ (Q’s) by Darlene Nelson (2nd Ed.) Darlene will explain why trading the QQQQ’s is more powerful than any other index, as powerful as the e-mini’s, if not more powerful! She will then...

David Jenyns – Triple Your Trading Profits Couse

DVD #1 – The Mindset

Active Day Trader – Swinging For The Fences

Active Day Trader – Swinging For The Fences If Unique is What You Seek It’s Time to Play Choose Your Own Adventure… For OPTIONS Traders If you’re a trader looking for a low-risk, high return Options strategy,...


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