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"From the Back Cover"
Showing 101-150 of 467 items.

Marc Yor – Aspects Of Mathematical Finance

This collection of essays is based on lectures given at the "Académie des Sciences" in Paris by internationally renowned experts in mathematical finance. The collection develops, in simple yet rigorous terms, some challenging topics such as...

Paul Wilmott – The Money Formula

Paul Wilmott – The Money Formula Explore the deadly elegance of finance's hidden powerhouse. The Money Formula takes you inside the engine room of the global economy to explore the little-understood world of quantitative finance, and...

Mike Bellafiore – The PlayBook: An Inside Look at How to Think Like a Professional Trader

Mike Bellafiore – The PlayBook: An Inside Look at How to Think Like a Professional Trader Want to become a truly great trader – either for yourself or for a proprietary trading firm? This book will...

Roger Lowenstein – Buffett. The Making Of An American Capitalist

Roger Lowenstein - Buffett. The Making of an American CapitalistSince its hardcover publication in August of 1995, Buffett has appeared on the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, Seattle Times, Newsday and Business Week bestseller lists....

Jack Gillen – The Key to Speculation for Greyhound Dog Racing

Jack Gillen – The Key to Speculation for Greyhound Dog Racing Jack is a retired astrologer who wrote a book on greyhound racing in 1980 entitled “TheKey to Speculation for Greyhound Racing”. He also presented seminars...

Robert B.Hanna – The Hanna ETF Money Flow System

ETF Money Flow Trading System by tradingmarkets Here are the main features of Rob’s system that you’ll be able to immediately apply to your trading: Potentially make money in both up and down markets with less...

Netpicks – The Ultimate Trading Machine Complete Set Of Courses, TS Indicators & Daily Updates

Netpicks - The Ultimate Trading Machine Complete Set of Courses, TS Indicators & Daily Updates "If You're Serious About Actually Making REAL Money Trading, The Ultimate Trading Machine Is The Best Way I've Seen To Get...

Eric Weisstein – Concise Encyclopedia Of Mathematics

Eric Weisstein - Concise Encyclopedia of MathematicsImpressive in its print version, The Concise Encyclopedia of Mathematics on CD-ROM, Second Edition goes even further towards a reference that is highly accessible, fully searchable, and fun to explore....

The Breakout Strategies Masterclass (Video Courses Only)

The Breakout Strategies Masterclass (Video Courses Only) The 'Breakout Strategies Masterclass' will teach you the proven 8-step process to build profitable breakout strategies, including: The Breakout Strategies Masterclass Module #1: PREPARE - Everything you need to...

Larry Connors – Trading The Connors Windows Strategy

Larry Connors – Trading The Connors Windows Strategy Here is a new, short-term trading pattern…one of the most reliable ever discovered for identifying sharp moves lasting from 1 to 5 days. This never-before-publicized pattern is called...

Alexander Goulden & Sacredscience – Behind The Veil

Alexander Goulden – Behind The Veil (Sacredscience) One of the greatest challenges we face here at Sacred Science Institute is in continuing to find new and practical material to present to our clientele that will both...

Triforce Trader – Triforce Training Part 1 by Matthew Owens

Triforce Trader – Triforce Training Part 1 BECOME A HUMBLE TRADING LEGEND Tag along with Matthew Owens and learn how to create the world you’ve been dreaming of. After years of trial and error, we’ve uncovered...

Greg N.Gregoriou – The Handbook Of Trading

Greg N Gregoriou - The Handbook of TradingMake the post-meltdown markets work for you, using the unparalleled insight of today’s top global investing experts!“This book provides a collection of papers that examine trading execution, technical trading,...

Ali Velshi – Gimme My Money Back (Audio Book)

Ali Velshi - Gimme My Money Back Audio BookOne way or another, you lost money as a direct result of the financial crisis. Now you have to start making it back, and you can do that...

Carl Futia – The Art of Contrarian Trading

Carl Futia – The Art of Contrarian Trading About Carl Futia On my way home from school on a spring day in 1961 I stopped at our local 5&10 cent store. I noticed a red covered...

J.M.Hurst – The Profit Magic Of Stock Transaction Timing

J.M.Hurst - The Profit Magic of Stock Transaction TimingCan a $10,000 investment yield $1,000,000 in a year? In five years? If so, what is the risk involved?These are the kinds of questions to which this work...

Michael Maiello – Buy The Rumor Sell The Fact

Michael Maiello - Buy the Rumor Sell the FactThe traditional rules of Wall Street--what's right, what's wrong, and how investors can distinguish between the two: "Buy on Monday, sell on Friday"... "Don't catch falling knives"... "The...

Juan Romero – The Art Of Artificial Evolution

Juan Romero - The Art of Artificial EvolutionThis comprehensive book gives an up-to-date survey of the relevant bioinspired computing research fields - such as evolutionary computation, artificial life, swarm intelligence and ant colony algorithms - and...

Shirley Hudson & Vic Noble – The London Close Trade Strategy

Shirley Hudson & Vic Noble - The London Close Trade Strategy Discover How Shirley Hudson Consistently Trades at an astonishing +93% Accuracy While Banking a Mind-blowing 41,261 Pips Since Jan. 2010 — by Only Trading the...

Ben Stein – The Litle Book of Bulletproof Investing Review Investing do's and don'ts from some of the most recognizable voices in personal finance It's been a tough year for investors. Many have seen their retirement accounts dwindle dramatically and are looking for a...

Jon Rappoport – The Matrix Revealed

Jon Rappoport – The Matrix Revealed Let me start with the nuts and bolts of this product. It is enormous in scope and size. 250 megabytes of information. Over 1100 pages of text (pdf document). Ten...

Darrin Donnelly – Secrets of the Darvas Trading System

Darrin Donnelly – Secrets of the Darvas Trading System “Discover The Breakthrough Trading System Nicolas Darvas Used To Turn $30,000 Into $2.25 Million In Just 18 Months!” *** NOW Completely Updated and Expanded For Today’s Market...

Michael Sincere – The After-Hours Trader

Michael Sincere – The After-Hours TraderFrom the author: Instead of reading this outdated book, read Michael Sincere’s latest books: All About Market Indicators (McGraw-Hill), Start Day Trading Now (Adams Media), or Understanding Stocks (McGraw-Hill).ReviewFrom the author: Instead of reading this outdated book,...

Peter James – Option Theory

Peter James – Option TheoryA unified development of the subject, presenting the theory of options in each of the different forms and stressing the equivalence between each of the methodologies. * Demystifies some of the more...

John Boik – Lessons from the Greatest Stock Traders of all Time

The trading strategies of legends Jesse Livermore, Bernard Baruch, Gerald Loeb, and more provide ways to triumph in the marketToday’s bookshelves are so laden with Johnny-come-lately experts, eager to sell their knowledge to any and all,...

Matthew Tagliani – The Practical Guide to Wall Street

The Practical Guide to Wall Street is an indispensable resource for anyone who aspires to a front-office sales or trading position on Wall Street and an essential desk reference for market practitioners and those who interact with...

Stephen J. Puetz – The Unified Cycle Theory

Stephen J. Puetz – The Unified Cycle Theory Documented cycles range widely in diversity. They include fluctuations in the stock market, commodity prices, economic activity, wars, civilizations, global climate, ice-ages, geological formations, and abundance of life...

Hoyle – The Game In WallStreet & How to Play it Successfully

Published before 1900, this appealing little book offers the facts about “The Game” on Wall Street with the hopes that some novice investors may catch a hint or two along the way.Appealing because of its simple...

Robert Elliott – Mathematics of Financial Markets

This book presents the mathematics that underpins pricing models for derivative securities in modern financial markets, such as options, futures and swaps. This new edition adds substantial material from current areas of active research, such as...

Tim Ord – The Secret Science of Price and Volume (Techniques for Spotting Market Trends, Hot Sectors, and the Best Stocks)

Tim Ord – The Secret Science of Price and Volume (Techniques for Spotting Market Trends, Hot Sectors, and the Best Stocks) In The Secret Science of Price and Volume, leading market timer Tim Ord outlines a...

Ken Calhoun – The Forex On Fire System

Getting Started With Forex On Fire™ Is Easy: Just 3 Simple Steps and You’re On Your Way!You’ll want to get started immediately. We’ve put together a quick and easy process to help you get the most from your 3-DVD trading system,...

R. J. Shook – The Winners Circle. Wallstreets Best Mutual Fund Managers

Uncover and invest in the best funds for today and tomorrow The number of mutual funds investors must choose from is now greater than the number of stocks listed on the NYSE. Selecting the right fund–and,...

John C. Hull – Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities

John C. Hull – Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities For undergraduate and graduate courses in Options and Futures, Financial Engineering, and Risk Management, typically found in business, finance, economics and mathematics departments. This fifth edition...

Charles R. Geisst – The Last Partnerships. Inside The Great Wall Street Dynasties

From Publishers WeeklyDespite the subtitle, this book doesn’t throw wide the back-room doors of major investment banking and brokerage firms like Merrill Lynch and Salomon Brothers. Instead, it provides a general history of Wall Street, organized...

John Carter & Hubert Senters – Scalping Webinar (TradeTheMarkets)

John Carter & Hubert Senters – Scalping Webinar (TradeTheMarkets) Inlcude: Scalping(Level 1) day trading seminar covers live trading Tapereading Scalping Webinar ( 4 Sections) John Carter John Carter’s father was a Morgan Stanley stock broker. One...

Edgar E. Peters – Chaos and order in the Capital Markets

Edgar E. Peters – Chaos and order in the Capital Markets The latest developments in chaos theory – from an industry expert Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets was the first book to introduce and...

Martin D. Weiss – The Ultimate Safe Money Guide

* Choosing profitable investments * Getting unbiased professional advice * Avoiding Insurance, Brokerage, and other scamsProtect Your Wealth and Well-Being Now and for Years to ComeIn light of the new risks our country and our economy...

Michael J.Gutmann – The Very Latest E-Mini Trading

Michael J.Gutmann – The Very Latest E-Mini Trading A new and updated edition is now available. Please see “The Very Latest E-Mini Trading, 2nd Edition” at An E-mini Futures Trading System incorporating the latest tools...

Michael P.Niemira & Gerald F.Zukowski – Trading the Fundamentals

When released, economic indicators and policy statements often have a volatile “trigger” effect on financial markets. Traders with a detailed understanding of these indicators – and how markets react to their announcement – will consistently stay...

Robert Fischer – The New Fibonacci Trader

Robert Fischer – The New Fibonacci Trader A fresh look at classic principles and applications of Fibonacci numbers and the Elliott Wave trading system. Demonstrates how to calculate and predict key turning points in commodity markets,...

Frank J.Fabozzi – The Handbook Of Fixed Income Securities (7th Ed.)

Frank J.Fabozzi – The Handbook Of Fixed Income Securities (7th Ed.) The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities occupies the top spot as the most authoritative, widely read reference in the global fixed income marketplace. First published in...

Active Day Trader – Swinging For The Fences

Active Day Trader – Swinging For The Fences If Unique is What You Seek It’s Time to Play Choose Your Own Adventure… For OPTIONS Traders If you’re a trader looking for a low-risk, high return Options strategy,...

Charles Jones & Edwin Gill – Mutual Funds

Charles Jones & Edwin Gill - Mutual Funds Mutual Funds: Your Money, Your Choice gives you an unvarnished look at both the positives and the negatives of mutual fund investing: the real risks, the real costs,...

Brian P. Lancaster – Structured Products Related Credit Derivates

Brian P. Lancaster - Structured Products & Related Credit Derivates From the Inside Flap While legitimate concerns have recently surfaced with regard to structured products and their markets, the fact is that close to ninety-five percent...

Jason Capital – Status

Jason Capital – StatusFrom the Back CoverThe key to winning the game of life isn't money, a prestigious degree, or even keeping up with the Kardashians. The latest science reveals that the key is High Status--the...

Michael Duane Archer – Getting Started in Currency Trading (3rd Ed.)

Michael Duane Archer – Getting Started in Currency Trading (3rd Ed.) From the Back Cover The Foreign Exchange market (Forex) is now more than a $4 trillion-a-day financial market. Its tremendous growth and ease of accessibility...

Nino Boccara – Modeling Complex Systems

Nino Boccara – Modeling Complex SystemsReviewFrom the reviews of the second edition:“Boccara’s approach is firmly based on dynamical systems theory, differential equations, and maps, with a very solid mathematical treatment, cast at times in terms of...

Peter J. B. Hopkins – Country, Sector & Company Factors in Global Equity Portfolios

Peter J. B. Hopkins – Country, Sector & Company Factors in Global Equity PortfoliosIndispensible to anyone who is charged with the responsibility of forecasting returns, estimating risk, or structuring efficient portfolios in the global arena, this...

Peter Navarro – If it's Raining in Brazil, Buy Starbucks

Peter Navarro – If it's Raining in Brazil, Buy StarbucksIF IT’S RAINING IN BRAZIL, BUY STARBUCKSIn the hardcover edition of If It’s Raining in Brazil, Buy Starbucks first introduced investors to “macro trading.” Instead of just theorizing, the...

Peter Pande – What is Six Sigma

Peter Pande – What is Six SigmaFrom the Back CoverThe First Six Sigma Primer Written, Especially for EmployeesSix Sigma, has gained an avid following among executives and managers for its ability to reduce cycle time, eliminate...


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