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Showing 251-298 of 298 items.

Alastair Day – Mastering Financial Mathematics in Microsoft Excel (1st edition)

Mastering Financial Mathematics in Microsoft Excel provides a comprehensive set of tools, methods and formulas which apply Excel to solving mathematical problems. About the Author Alastair Day has worked in the finance industry for 20 years...

Darrin Donnelly – Secrets of the Darvas Trading System

Darrin Donnelly – Secrets of the Darvas Trading System “Discover The Breakthrough Trading System Nicolas Darvas Used To Turn $30,000 Into $2.25 Million In Just 18 Months!” *** NOW Completely Updated and Expanded For Today’s Market...

MTI – USDX Trading Course

MTI – USDX Trading Course USDX TRADING COURSE Discover Forex trading opportunities with help of the US Dollar Index Developed and usedby MTI’s CEO and Founder, the FX Chief™ Potentiallycapture more pips based upon US Dollar trades Threebrand...

MTI – Day Trading Course

MTI – Day Trading Course MTI’S DAY TRADING ONLINE COURSE Grow your trading potential with the convenient Day Trading Course! Designed and usedby the FX Chief™ and FX Pathfinder Learn how towork with market movements to buy and...

Courtney Smith – How to Make a Living Trading Foreign Exchange

ISBN: 978-0-470-44229-6 208 pages January 2010Solid Forex strategies for capturing profits in today’s volatile marketsHow to Make a Living Trading Foreign Exchange puts the world of Forex at your fingertips. Author Courtney Smith begins with an introduction...

Charles Tapiero – Risk and Financial Management

Charles Tapiero – Risk and Financial ManagementFinancial risk management has become a popular practice amongst financial institutions to protect against the adverse effects of uncertainty caused by fluctuations in interest rates, exchange rates, commodity prices, and...

Simpler Options – Carter 2014 Vegas Seminar (Oct 2014)

Simpler Options – Carter 2014 Vegas Seminar (Oct 2014) Watch these talented speakers LIVE in Las Vegas John Carter President of Trade the Markets, Inc., has been a full-time trader since 1996, and has actively traded...

Zack Kolundzic – Street Smart Forex System

Zack Kolundzic – Street Smart Forex SystemDear Forex Trader,The first question that any aspiring forex trader asks when he or she gets to the website like this one is: Why is this person revealing his system...

Benjamin Van Vliet – Modeling Financial Markets. Using Visual Basic .Net & Databases To Create Pricing Trading & Risk Management Models

Benjamin Van Vliet – Modeling Financial Markets. Using Visual Basic Net & Databases To Create Pricing Trading & Risk Management ModelsDevelopment Financial markets professionals today must sort, analyze, and act upon incredible amounts of data. This...

Gillette Edmunds – Comfort Zone Investing

When you reach your ‘comfort zone’, investing is fun and fulfilling. This guide shows you how to recognize your personal interests and emotions and use them to create a successful portfolio. Softcover.Comfort Zone Investing: How To...

Fibozachi – The Vol. T Volume-Tick Indicator Package

Fibozachi – The Vol. T Volume-Tick Indicator Package The only Indicator Package of its kind, Vol.T™ diagnoses volume-trend and tick-pressure to provide trading signals based on buying or selling pressure (rather than just movements in price)....

TradingMarket – Advanced AmiBroker Coding

TradingMarket – Advanced AmiBroker Coding Are You a Trader Who Is Looking to Learn Advanced AmiBroker Programming Skills to Improve Your Trading Results? You already know that AmiBroker is an extremely powerful tool for performing technical...

Richard L. Weissman – Mechanical Trading Systems

Richard L. Weissman – Mechanical Trading Systems A wide variety of flexible trading systems that combine sophisticated technical analysis with trading psychology theory Mechanical Trading Systems examines the development process for choosing and using mechanical trading...

Lawrence Carrel – ETFs for the Long Run

Praise for ETFs For The Long Run“As the title of the book suggests, ETFs are going to be an increasingly important reality for a broad class of investors in coming years. This book offers the reader real...

Thomas Moore – Last Chance to Get It Right (How to Avoid Eight Deadly Mistakes Made With Money)

Praise for Last Chance to Get It Right!“Tom Moore is one of the capable professionals who made me look good in the last thirty years of my forty-five year career at A.G. Edwards & Sons. He...

Bill Williams – New Trading Dimensions

Bill Williams – New Trading Dimensions New Trading Dimensions How to Profit from Chaos in Stocks, Bonds, and Commodities A powerful new way to navigate today’s unprecedented market conditions “Bill Williams’ pioneering application of chaos theory...

Netpicks – The Insider’s Guide to Achieving the Trader’s Edge

Investing Pro’s give you the hard truth on your trading. We have asked our customerbase to participate. Some of them are long time associates of ours due to the fact thatwe started our business in 1996....

Charles Ellis – Winning the Losers Game

Charles Ellis – Winning the Losers GamePublisher: McGraw-Hill; 4th edition (March 14, 2002)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0071387676ISBN-13: 978-0071387675“Winning the Loser’s Game is considered by many to be a classic analysis of investing.” ­­Financial PlanningThe premise of the bestselling Winning the Loser’s...

Ralf Welborn & Vince Kasten – The Jericho Principle How Companies Use Strategic Collaboration to Find New Sources of Value

Understanding the opportunities and dangers of innovation through inter-company collaboration The Jericho Principle identifies key trends and patterns in the increasing use of collaboration by corporations and creates a strategic and operational framework for answering key...

David L. Caplan – Trade Like a Bookie

Synopsis: Have you ever wanted to trade so that the odds were in your favor? David Caplan has combined his forty years of trade research, probability research, and poker playing experience together and come up with...

Andrew Campbell – The Growth Gamble

Conventional wisdom tells us to try harder, be more innovative, take more risks – and almost every company tries. Only a tiny percentage of management teams settle for sticking to their core businesses and declining gracefully...

Robert Elliott – Mathematics of Financial Markets

This book presents the mathematics that underpins pricing models for derivative securities in modern financial markets, such as options, futures and swaps. This new edition adds substantial material from current areas of active research, such as...

David Landry – Complete Swing Trading Course

Dave Landry's Complete Swing Trading Course Applying My Best Patterns And Strategies In The Real World (5 CD) Dear Swing Trader, Let me share with you the daily actions that made me successful. A rock-solid daily...

Andrew Glyn – Capitalism Unleashed

Size 2 MBPDF:242 pagesPublisher:Oxford University Press; New Ed edition (5 July 2007)Language:EnglishISBN-10:0199226792ISBN-13:978-0199226795Free enterprise is off the leash and chasing new opportunities for profit making across the globe. After a turbulent century of unprecedented social and technological...

R. J. Shook – The Winners Circle. Wallstreets Best Mutual Fund Managers

Uncover and invest in the best funds for today and tomorrow The number of mutual funds investors must choose from is now greater than the number of stocks listed on the NYSE. Selecting the right fund–and,...

Mike Buchanan – Profitable Buying Strategies

Improving your organization’s profitability can only be achieved in three ways: increase prices, increase sales volumes or reduce costs. Competitive pressures are making the first two options increasingly difficult, which leaves cost reduction as the key...

John L. Person – Construct & Trade a High Probability Trading System

John L. Person – Construct & Trade a High Probability Trading System “In this amazing book, John covers it all. From trading systems to money management to emotions, he explains easily how to pull money consistently...

Joyce Wehrman – Winning!!! Zodiacal Timing Revised 1980

Joyce Wehrman – Winning!!! Zodiacal Timing Revised 1980 Here’s What’s revealed in the book: The 5 Primary Rules 6 Finding Gambling potential in the natal chart 7 House system 10 Two Absolutes 12 Question of orbs...

Charles R. Geisst – The Last Partnerships. Inside The Great Wall Street Dynasties

From Publishers WeeklyDespite the subtitle, this book doesn’t throw wide the back-room doors of major investment banking and brokerage firms like Merrill Lynch and Salomon Brothers. Instead, it provides a general history of Wall Street, organized...

Antulio Bomfim – Understanding Credit Derivatives & Related Instruments

Antulio Bomfim – Understanding Credit Derivatives & Related Instruments Series: Academic Press Advanced Finance PDF: 368 pages Publisher: Academic Press; 1 edition (December 20, 2004) Language: English ISBN-10: 9780121082659 ISBN-13: 978-0121082659 ASIN: 0121082652 The global credit...

Harold Bierman – Private Equity. Tranforming Private Stock to Create Value

Praise for Private Equity“Harold Bierman has blended an excellent mix of important principles with real case study examples for a better understanding on a rather sophisticated finance subject.” -Edward M. Dudley, Vice President & General Auditor,...

Charles D. Kirkpatrick – Techical Analysis

Charles D. Kirkpatrick – Techical Analysis Already the field’s most comprehensive, reliable, and objective guidebook, Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians, Second Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the field’s latest advances. Selected by...

Jocelyn Pixley – Emotions in Finance Distrust and Uncertainty in Global Markets

Fear and greed are terms that make light of the uncertainty in the finance world. Huge global financial institutions rely on emotional relations of trust and distrust to suppress the uncertainties. Many financial firms develop policies...

Richard Tewelles & Franck J. Jones – The Futures Game (3rd Edition)

Richard Tewelles & Franck J. Jones – The Futures Game (3rd Edition) Since it first exploded onto the markets in 1974, THE FUTURE'S GAME has helped thousands of traders gain an intelligent understanding of futures markets....

Steve Nison – Japanese Candle Charting

Steve Nison – Japanese Candle Charting A form of technical analysis, Japanese candlestick charts are a versatile tool that can be fused with any other technical tool, and will help improve any technician’s market analysis. They...

Dara Duguay – Don’t Spend Your Raise

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0071402225Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limitsPublisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (December 24, 2002)Publication Date: December 24, 2002Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.Language: EnglishASIN: B000OVLJ6YConsider these facts. The...

Bill Williams – New Trading Dimensions (Russian)

A powerful new way to navigate today’s unprecedented market conditions“Bill Williams’ pioneering application of chaos theory to the financial markets is leading technical analysis into the twenty-first century and beyond. New Trading Dimensions presents a complete,...

Kevin Haggerty – Trading With The Generals 2003-2004

Kevin Haggerty Trading With The Generals CD Kevin Haggerty’s Trading With The Generals, presented on high-resolution 4 CD-ROMs and 777-page Trading Strategy Manualwith over 350 clear and detailed charts, tables, techniques, strategies and technology to make high-probability...

George Muzea – The Vital Few Vs. The Trivial Many

Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, The Vital Few vs. The Trivial Many will open your eyes to a new way of looking at the investment world, especially the stock market. You’ll discover how to look past...

Tom Gentile – Boosting Returns New Twists to Time-tested Trading Techniques

Discover powerful twists to proven trading techniques that will help boost trading profits – in good or bearish markets. Tom Gentile’s comprehensive workshop, with online support manual, features an array of time-tested trading concepts and shows...

Robert W.Ward – Options & Options Trading

Robert W.Ward – Options & Options Trading Too many books on options trading make the mistake of assuming that readers can already tell a delta from a sigma summation. Options and Options Trading breaks the code that envelops...

Marty Kearney – LEAPS Trading Strategies (Powerful Techniques for Options Trading Success)

Marty Kearney – LEAPS Trading Strategies (Powerful Techniques for Options Trading Success) Investors are increasingly turning to LEAPS (Long-Term Equity AnticiPation Securities) to combine the advantages of options trading with the benefits and security of a...

Jim Cox – Nicolas Darvas Trading Secrets Home Study Course

Jim Cox – Nicolas Darvas Trading Secrets Home Study Course “How a Full-Time Dancer Rocketed His Trading Account From $25,000 to 2 Million Dollars And How You Can Do The Same In Only 15 Minutes Per...

Fxsteet – Trading Day Trading Complete Series

Fxsteet Day Trading Series Course ( Trading Day Trading Complete SeriesRockwell Trading Day Trading Complete SeriesRockwell Trading Day Trading Complete SeriesExpert: Markus Heitkoetter, CEO at Rockwell Trading Inc Moderator: Maud Gilson, Conference ManagerThe concepts presented in...

Market Profile – Chicago Board of Trade

Market Profile – Chicago Board of Trade A Market Profile is an intra-day charting technique (price vertical, time/activity horizontal) devised by J. Peter Steidlmayer, a trader at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), ca 1959-1985. Steidlmayer...

James16 Group – James16 Group Webinars Pack

James16 is a trader that trades price analysis formations. Especially pinbars, insidebars etc. and uses them with support and resistance.He had a created a thread at the forex factory (link is at the bottom of the description), where he...

David Jenyns – Triple Your Trading Profits Couse

DVD #1 – The Mindset

Marvin Appel – Investing With Exchange Traded Funds Made Easy

Possessing a rare skill set amongst professional investors and authors, Dr. Appel has successfully managed to provide readers with the perfect mix of up-to-date details on the various types and asset classes of ETFs, crucial, tried,...


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