IBD Options 102 - Options Trading Strategies
The right strategy is key to succeeding in options trading. Find out how to pick the right options strategy to generate new income streams and insure your portfolio.

In these 9 video lessons, you'l learn:

  • Selecting an Options Strategy: How to pick the right options strategy from a simple rules-based matrix.
  • How to Use Risk Graphs: The easier way to analyze potential options trades.
  • Using Options as a Replacement for Stocks: The rules and strategies to profit from a stock' expected movement.
  • Using Puts to Acquire Stocks at a Discount: How to buy puts to generate additional income and acquire stocks for less.
  • Selling Options Against Stocks You Own: A simple way to generate additional income streams for your portfolio.
  • Insuring Your Portfolio with Options: How to protect your most valuable assets with strategic options trading.

Chuck explains short vs. long options, puts vs. calls and more.
Detailed tables illustrate the different types of options trades in one place.
High-quality IBDョ stock charts give real-world examples of profitable options trades.
Diagrams show the dynamics of puts and calls, plus other options trading concepts.

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