- Money & Freedom 

Money and Freedom is a clear statement for unregulated money and banking, and the abolition of legal tender laws. It details how politicians use the legal tender system for their own benefit and for the detriment of their fellow men. Analyzes contemporary monetary doctrines and how they fall short of the mark in correcting the evils perpetrated by legal tender laws.


Foreword Preface Introduction: Living on Borrowed Time

A World Money Standard Gold and the Growth of International Debt Building Socialism with American Money The Balance-of-Trade Deficit Competing Currencies

The Causes of Economic Disintegration

  • The Money Monopoly: The Federal Reserve System

Federal Reserve Independence Instability and Unemployment In the Service of Government Financing The Central Bank of the World A Vanguard of Socialism 

  • Compulsory Money: Legal Tender Laws

Government Power over Money Misleading Definitions No Inflation Without Legal Tender Legal Tender in the United States

False Solutions: Managed Money

  • The Monetarists

False Solutions Build on Force Futile Search for Absolute Stability Fiat Expansion Causes Economic Instability Making Matters Worse 

  • The Supply-Siders

Price Rules for Gold Robert Mundell Arthur Laffer Jude Wanniski Congressman Jack Kemp 

  • Advocates of Social Credit

Terminating the Money Monopoly

  • The Gold Standard

Mutilation and Destruction Natural Qualities of Gold An International Standard Creation of Freedom 

  • Beyond the Gold Standard

Proposed Legislation 

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